viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010

Univesal, Cultural and personal behaviors.

There are differences between univesal, cultural and personal behaviors occur in all cultures, I am going to explain some examples.
Univesal .
This week my boss did a meeting and he asked to all the employees to be kind with customers, the most important in his business is the high quality in products and service. He told us the things that make a modern company successful are good management, fast reaction to change and innovate. He said that management and leadership are keys to competitive advantage, so related with the meeting I think that is universal, all people who have a company think about improve and how his or her company can be better.
Last weekend was Mothers Day, in my family we usually visit my grandmother for lunch at about 12:00 md, we used to gave her a gift and share with her all the day, in the afternoon all my family used to stay outside playing something or just talking, it is a way of getting together with my family.
Another example of cultural behavior is that in my family we sometimes invite friends home. On wednesday we invited friends for lunch, before they come, we used to clean the house and garden, we like to make them feel good, we try to be modest, and we asked them before to eat if they like what we prerared for lunch or not, so I think these are examples about cultural behaviors in my family.
I think each person has his or her way to eat for me is really important to have different kinds of sauces, during this week I had to share my lunchtime with three partners and I decided to buy mayonnaise to eat with beans but my partners did not want, for this reason I think this is a personal decision what you like to eat, and what you decide to add to your food.
In personal behavior is important to take into acount your personality for example, I am a cheerful person and I like to share and play with children, on Saturday a very sick little girl went to the drugstore where I work and the doctor had to inject her but she accepted just if I stayed with her, so I think she said that because I was kind and I make funny things for her, this is another example of personal behavior.

viernes, 13 de agosto de 2010

Cultural behaviors.

This week I learned the importance of linking values to behavior in order to understand where behaviors comes from and why people behave the way they do, to take into account that I should to respect the beliefs of others although I desagree with its.
Some examples that represent the topic are:

This week I talked with a man who had different belief about religion, so he gave his opinion and I listened to him, and I gave him my opinion too, and he listened to me, so it means for me that I should to respect the belief of people although it may seem strange.
The value is the freedom of opinion, it means freedom of opinion and expression.
Another example that I observed was when a youngman helped to cross the street to an elderly with problems to walk.
It show the cultural behavior of kindness, in Costa Rica people like to help others when they need it.

Cultural behaviors.