viernes, 13 de agosto de 2010

Cultural behaviors.

This week I learned the importance of linking values to behavior in order to understand where behaviors comes from and why people behave the way they do, to take into account that I should to respect the beliefs of others although I desagree with its.
Some examples that represent the topic are:

This week I talked with a man who had different belief about religion, so he gave his opinion and I listened to him, and I gave him my opinion too, and he listened to me, so it means for me that I should to respect the belief of people although it may seem strange.
The value is the freedom of opinion, it means freedom of opinion and expression.
Another example that I observed was when a youngman helped to cross the street to an elderly with problems to walk.
It show the cultural behavior of kindness, in Costa Rica people like to help others when they need it.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Andrea,

    Interesting examples, although I'd say that the second belief may be "respect for elders," which could be connected to kindness in general.

    Also, I had a question about your first example. Do you think that the value of respecting others' beliefs is widespread among Costa Ricans, or was it more a personal value of the person you were talking to?

    I'm also interested to read your group members' comments!


  2. Hi Andrea, I agree with Ryan. I think that the first example it´s not "respect the belief", I think that directness will be better, because you and the man were direct with each other.

  3. Hello teacher.
    Kindness is a value for me so what I mean in that example was explaing a demonstration of that, I think that you can respect elders and not to be a kind person for example If an elder say somenthing you desagree you can respect him or her even you do not share the opinion, so It is a demonstration of Respect for elders, but you can respect and not to be a kind person, for example the same person that respect the opinion not help the elder to cross the street.

  4. I think that the example of respecting others is not widespread among Costa Ricans I think most of Costa Ricans are gossips what I mean they like to know all about others, and they do not respect what others say or think but also there are people that have many values and I prefer to put attention to them and I ignore the ones who do not have its.
