viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

The condemmed.

The condemmed is a action film, the film center on ten convicts who are forced to fight each other to the death as part of an illegal game which is being broadcast to the public.
They are transported to a desert island, they are 10 condemned criminals that are in prision. They are "offered" the opportunity to avoid capital punishment and win back their freedom by fighting to the death in an illegal game to be filmed and broadcastlive over tha internet.

A bomb is placed on the ankle of every contestant, each featuring a 30-hour countdown timer,and a ripcord that will detonate the bomb after a ten second delay. The winner will have the bomb removed and be given their freedom as well as pocket full of cash as the prize.

This film shows crime because the film center on ten convicts that have to kill each others in order to get the freedom, they should to fight, kill and try to safe their lifes.
I chose this film because it is a good example of crime.

3 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Hi Andrea!!
    That movie sounds intresting... You did a great comment about it..
    I think that instead "the film center..." is better to say "the film focus on..."
    After that you wrote "they are forced" and if you are talking is past you should say "they were forced"
    Finally remember that should is a sugestion not an obligation, so when you wrote "they should to fight" is better to say they have to, or had to...Also you wrote " a action film" and is better to use "an" before a word that stars with a vowel.

    Excellent work Andrea and see you saturday :-D

  3. Hi Andrea and Andrea!

    Andrea V's right about the corrections, although it should be "the film focusES" since it's third person. Otherwise, good eye!

    This sounds like a pretty classy movie, so I'll have to check it out!

